Typical Games

Typical Games

Description / Rules

  1. Raiding this server or initiating a raid from within this server is a bannable offense.
  2. Engaging in bullying, harassment, hate speech, or discrimination in any form is not allowed.
  3. Swearing is allowed in this server, but do not go overboard or use offensive language against other members.
  4. Do not use this server to advertise your game, YouTube channel, blog, or anything else.
  5. Do not argue with staff, bans are final unless evidence is given to a moderator that disproves the ban reason.
  6. Do not mention staff unnecessarily.
  7. Do not attempt to bypass the bot.
  8. This is an English speaking server only.
  9. Do not post inappropriate links, images, or any other inappropriate content.
  10. Inappropriate profile pictures are not allowed and will result in a ban.
  11. Do not post stuff in channels where it doesn’t belong.
  12. Do not spam in any way, this includes emojis and reactions to posts.
  13. Do not breathe loudly into your microphone or make excessive noise.
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