Description / Rules
- Always contact staff before you contact Matt.
- This is not a dating server.
- Be nice, play fair, and try not to be too disruptive.
- Do not use this server to spam, flood, advertise, or recruit for other servers.
- Treat others, and the staff, with respect.
- Harassing or being creepy/thirsty to others in Direct Messages WILL get you banned!
- Don’t get thirsty; this includes in the mature-chat.
- This server is English-only; please respect that.
- Adult and innuendous material does NOT belong outside of mature-chat.
- Don’t self-assign titles (or make fake titles) that weren’t given by the bot. Instead, just use: ?title
- Any complaints/concerns addressed to the moderators should be done via ModMail or Direct Message; keep the drama out of the server.
- Be careful not to attack or hate on any political parties or religious groups. No pushing your beliefs on others either.
- Do not try to legalese or use semantics to get around these rules. We’re fair, not stupid.
- As this is both a public and partner server, we cannot allow nudity to be posted.
- DM, Age, Gender, and Location roles are not required. However, misuse or misrepresentation via these roles are not permitted.
- Respect the Ask to DM and Closed DMs roles.
- Use memes, pictures, and videos sparingly in #general and keep them on-topic.
- If you post annoying/loud videos, or annoying gifs like the “imagine not being able to post gifs” gif, it will be a 10 min mute.
- Racism is a bannable offense here. Discord is serious about it, so we don’t even want the jokes regarding it either.
- If you are caught giving Discord a fake age to access flagged channels, you will be PERMANENTLY banned.
- Fake nitro invites or pollux loot boxes aren’t allowed and will earn you timeout in #appeals. (Webhooks don’t count.)
- The use of multiple accounts is prohobited unless otherwise granted. It causes problems and enables trolls. Don’t do it.
- Rejoining the server to change your name is not acceptable. If you need your nickname changed, ask staff.