Stock VIP

Stock VIP

Description / Rules

  1. Be respectful toward other people. No tolerance for harassment or personally attacking others.
  2. Invest at your own risk. Read #?┃disclaimer channel for important information.
  3. Do not offer investment advice of any sort, force or tell people what to trade, or give them recommendations. Opinions > only.
  4. Do your own research and DD, do not follow blindly as it is your responsibility on each trade.
  5. No text spamming in the text channels or promotional links of any kind.
  6. No advertising of any kind on the server or on the side to other members.
  7. No arguments in any channels, be professional.
  8. Do not take anything inside the server as investment advice such as when to buy, hold, or sell a security.
  9. No leaking of any server content.
  10. No inviting to any other server.
  11. No fake news posts, DD, or information or may result in ban.
  12. NSFW and Hate Speech is prohibited and is a bannable offense
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