Dj’s Disco

Dj’s Disco

Description / Rules

  1. Be Respectful! This means racism, sexism, homophobia, acting like a jerk, etc. will all be met with a warning, kick, or ban. This includes talking about politics or religion in a forceful manner. Nobody wants to be somewhere where we can’t have fun and interact with one another. Let this be that place, surrounding content creation, daily lives, streaming, and overall happiness.
  2. No spamming the chat (Emoji spam, attachment spam, mention spam, etc.) It’s annoying and unnecessary!
  3. This is an English-speaking text/voice server so please Keep conversations in English. That way everyone can be a part of the server.
  4. Ignoring warnings by mods will result in a ban. Please take the warnings seriously, as well from admins or myself.
  5. Please be mindful of channels and their uses.
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