Description / Rules
- Do not spam messages, voice chat, mentions, images, emojis, reactions or links. Please also note that this is an English speaking server, so try to communicate in the English language (unless there’s a good reason not to).
- Do not personally flame or harass others over & over. Don’t continue personal drama from other communities. Racist, sexist, ableist, transphobic or homophobic language/imagery will not be tolerated.
- It is prohibited for user accounts/nicknames/profile pictures/reactions/posts to contain harmful, offensive, not safe for work (NSFW) or illegal content. e.g. viruses/malware, exploitative material, pornographic media, pirated content, etc. Please keep all channels safe for work.
- Imagery with implications of sexual content are not allowed, especially if it implies or glorifies any illegal act (child pornography, rape, bestiality, etc). This rule also applies to cartoons, anime, manga and drawings. If it’s not suitable for an office environment, don’t post it here.
- Please keep your nickname unique and primarily latin alphanumeric. We want to avoid excessive non-standard characters or impersonations causing confusing communication and management.
- Do not advertise other Discord servers.
- Do not post links that involve monetary gain without permission. This is only permitted by explicit case-by-case decisions by the moderation team.
- Please try to keep on-topic for the channel you’re in (see the Channels section below for more information).
- Do not bring bots running on a user account onto the server. Selfbots are NOT permitted.
- Please respect moderator decisions. If you’ve been punished, do not attempt to evade the punishment. If you feel you’ve been mistreated please forward any appeals to an Admin.
- No reselling courses or themes in market / illegal content